Enneagram Personality Typing

"The Enneagram doesn’t put you in a box, it shows you the one you’re already in and gives you a map to get out." - Colleen-Joy

What can the Enneagram bring you?

Simply put - you gain an accurate understanding of yours and others personality types.

Seeing your own blind spots, fears, and hidden motivation, is the first step in opening up to practical ways to transform them. A clear and helpful map helps you to grow from our lowest expression to your highest. Look at our InnerLifeSkills

Enneagram diagram and notice the arrows, which are the paths for growth.

Example Image with Text

The most commercialized way to find your type is to...

1. Use an online test;

2. Then read up more or attend a course.

This works about 50% of the time, and does have some apparent advantages but it’s not ideal. Why?

Colleen-Joy has been working with the Enneagram for almost 3 decades and discovered that by combining world-class ICF (International Coaching Federation) coaching methods with the 8 Step Typing Method of InnerLifeSkills, helps clients to discover their types

... and - the BIG BENEFIT...

empower clients with wonderful insight to process knowledge into transformational tools in individual lives and unique realities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get for the money I pay?
8 Individual Sessions:- Mentoring that promises to provide powerful tools in understanding the reasons behind behaviour;
Questionnaires that will assist in powerful self-discovery that will turn previous limitations into opportunities for growth;
Coaching sessions that will uncover patterns of behaviour and provide you with a personal blueprint and map for growth.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?
If you are unsatisfied with your coaching, you are free to reach out to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.

What is the client's part in ensuring effectiveness of the coaching process.

1. Willingness to Explore: It's important for the client to be open and willing to explore aspects of themselves, their patterns, and their motivations that may be uncomfortable or unfamiliar. This willingness to dive deep allows for meaningful growth and self-discovery.

2. Honesty and Authenticity: To get the most out of coaching, it is essential for the client to be honest with themselves and with the coach. Being transparent about thoughts, feelings, and experiences creates a safe and supportive space for the coaching relationship to flourish.

3. Active Engagement: Coaching requires active participation from the client. This means taking ownership of their growth and development, setting goals, and actively working towards them. It's about embracing the process and being proactive in implementing changes and insights gained through coaching.

4. Practice and Integration: The client plays a crucial role in taking what they learn in coaching and applying it to their daily life. This involves practicing new behaviors, challenging old habits, and integrating the insights gained to create lasting change.

Remember, effective coaching is a collaborative effort between the coach and the client. When the client actively engages and embraces the process, the potential for growth and transformation becomes even greater.

How do I schedule my appointment?
Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?
Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, you are welcome to purchase individual sessions as you need.

Studying to become a certified Enneagram Coach
Why not pay forward the transformation in your life after your own coaching journey. You can look at options here https://www.innerlifeskills.com/enneagram-certification/

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.